#10 Smell a Flower

#10 Smell a Flower

Our #10 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Smell a Flower! 🌺 All flowers contain terpenes, which give each bloom its distinctive fragrance. Terpenes are chemical compounds and when we take a deep, delicious breath of flower, the scent excites neurotransmitters like...
#8 Hum a Happy Song

#8 Hum a Happy Song

Our #8 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Hum a Happy Song! If you don’t know the words, HUM! Humming boosts immunity, respiration and blood flow by enhancing nitric acid production. Humming is a high vibe action where you can literally FEEL the vibration!
#7 Learn Something New

#7 Learn Something New

Our #7 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Learn Something New! Exercise your gray matter to a higher vibration by learning a new skill, a new fact, or even a new perspective on an old belief. Tell us what you learned today in the comments, so we can all learn it...
#6 Hug Someone

#6 Hug Someone

Our #6 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Hug Someone! Hug anyone and everyone! (But maybe ask first – consent is important!) Hugging releases endorphins and oxytocin, elevates serotonin and dopamine production and lowers cortisol levels. Hugging has some HIGH VIBE...