My Approach
Everyone has blind spots
These are areas where we have repressed or manipulated aspects of ourselves to better fit our childhood environment. These aspects stay suppressed in our unconscious until the time they begin to create issues in our life, whether that be our relationships, our health, or our professional aspirations.
Then it’s time to meet me!
My super power
My ability to intuitively sense these problematic parts of your unconscious is my super power. I’m able to discern the why’s and how’s of energy not flowing properly. I can also sense many of the solutions that will create a happier, more fulfilling life for you. It is this honed skill that allows me to help you find your subconscious patterns and transform them from untapped disempowered energy into available empowered energy.
Then you go out and live the life you were born to live; happy, alive and purposeful!
Empathy vs. Intuition
Unfortunately, the term intuitive has been overused and has lost some of its efficacy in recent years. You often see life-coaches, therapists, and counselors throwing the word “intuitive” into their descriptors. Empathy and intuition are not the same. Intuition is an art, and while everyone can draw, only a distinct skillset makes someone an artist. The same can be said about being an intuitive.

Everyone has blind spots
These are areas where we have repressed or manipulated aspects of ourselves to better fit our childhood environment. These aspects stay suppressed in our unconscious until the time they begin to create issues in our life, whether that be our relationships, our health, or our professional aspirations.
Then it’s time to meet me!

My super power
My ability to intuitively sense where these problematic parts of your unconscious lay is my super power. I’m able to discern the why’s and how’s of energy not flowing properly. I can also sense many of the solutions that will create a happier, more fulfilling life for you. It is this honed skill that allows me to help you find your subconscious patterns and transform them from untapped disempowered energy into available empowered energy.
Then you go out and live the life you were born to live; happy, alive and purposeful!
Empathy vs. Intuition
Unfortunately, the term intuitive has been overused and has lost some of its efficacy in recent years. You often see life-coaches, therapists, and counselors throwing the word “intuitive” into their descriptors. Empathy and intuition are not the same. Intuition is an art, and while everyone can draw, only a distinct skillset makes someone an artist. The same can be said about being an intuitive.

How does my intuition work?
My medical intuition comes to me in a very cool way, totally different from other intuitives who use guides, angels, etc. I was born with a rare condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, aka brittle bone. This condition makes me literally a lighter body! I have 67% less collagen than the average woman my age. That basically makes my body an echo-chamber to the vibrations of consciousness. Wherever I focus, vibrates inside me to a loud enough level that I can feel and sense it. I have trained and cultivated my innate intuitive sense for more than 30 years.
Let me explain with a metaphor
The best metaphor for how I sense what I sense is to think of the last time you smelled something in the air which you couldn’t see, but you knew the smell and you knew it was somewhere near; like the smell of fresh bread still in the oven, the smell of flowers as you step outside, or the smell of BBQ in your neighborhood. It is very much like this for me. I sense nonphysical energy which we cannot “see”, but vibrationally is in your field. It is as easy for me to tap into your unconscious as it is for me to see the smile on your face.
My intuitive awareness comes instantaneously and can be confused as regular run-of-the-mill thought, but it doesn’t seed from conscious thought. It surfaces without predetermined thought out of your field. Then, using a blend of many of the “ologies” (neurophysiology, metapsychology, neuropsychology, phenomenology psychopathology and astrology), I bridge the etheric and material world with tools that allow you to reframe your mindset and change your life.
People describe me and my work as fun-loving, intelligent, energetic, empathic, trustworthy, straightforward, passionate, funny, and feisty! If those sound like characteristics that would engage and challenge you to be the best you, please connect.
School Cred…
B.A. from Baylor University
Masters of Science in Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University.
Doctorate in Natural Medicine, Quantum University
Ph.D. in Natural Medicine and Consciousness, Quantum University.
3-year Energy Medicine Certification, RTIEM School
“When most everyone else was drinking, I was thinking.”

School Cred…

B.A. from Baylor University
Masters of Science in Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University.
Doctorate in Natural Medicine, Quantum University
Ph.D. in Natural Medicine and Consciousness, Quantum University.
3-year Energy Medicine Certification, RTIEM School
“When most everyone else was drinking, I was thinking.”
Street Cred
Amy Mercury
Dr. Graye is phenomenal! Her unfailing intuitive perception has pinpointed several tricky health issues with my daughter, which, with Dr. Graye’s brilliant problem/solution mapping, we were able to resolve more thoroughly than conventional medicine.