#5 Smile at a Stranger

#5 Smile at a Stranger

Our #5 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Smile at a Stranger!Smiling shifts your body’s chemistry to a higher vibration. Sharing that same smile with a stranger also shifts your body’s energetics to a higher vibration! And smiling is contagious. It is also a...
#4 Walk in Nature

#4 Walk in Nature

Our #4 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Walk in Nature! THE EARTH IS A FREAKING INCREDIBLY HIGH VIBRATION. Walking in nature grounds you in the here and now AND gives you a symphony orchestra of high vibes to lift yourself. Chalk up double bonus points if you walk...
#3 Drink Filtered Water

#3 Drink Filtered Water

Our #3 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Drink Filtered Water! Hydration is vital – so is avoiding the up to 2000 types of toxic chemicals that have been found in public drinking water. Filter your water to toxin-free and use your re-usable water bottle. No...
#2 Eat Organic Fruits

#2 Eat Organic Fruits

Our #2 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Eat Organic Fruits! 🍒🍒🍒We’re celebrating day two with a two-fer. Eating organic fruits raises the vibration of both the body AND the Earth, optimally supporting the terrain of both. So double dip in consciousness today by...
#1 Meditate

#1 Meditate

Welcome to Day One of a massive campaign we at Medigraytion are creating to raise the collective vibration of humanity. Tune in, and tune up, every Tuesday and Friday for the next 3.33 years to see the 333 Actions to Raise Your Vibration list. Can you imagine how much...